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Work Study

Federal Work-Study Program

联邦勤工俭学(FWS)计划是由美国教育部资助的一项基于需求的联邦财政援助工作计划. 该计划旨在帮助学生在校内部门和校外社区服务机构获得兼职工作.

路易斯安那州e世博esball大学按照联邦法规管理这个项目, 以及由教育部或代表教育部发布的政策, as well as its own institutional policies.

对FWS感兴趣的学生应尽早提交FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助) October 1st . each year at FWS is offered to eligible undergraduate, 以及在完成下一学年的FAFSA时记录经济需求的研究生. 大学勤工俭学计划资金有限,所以不是所有符合条件的学生都会收到录取通知. 它不是补助金(你必须工作来赚取资金),也不是贷款(你不必偿还)。.

Who qualifies for a work-study offer?

  • Completed your FAFSA as early as October 1st.
  • 在你的FAFSA上表明了对勤工俭学工作的兴趣
  • 有资格获得基于需求的援助,这取决于你的FAFSA结果
  • 作为本科生或研究生被学校录取或录取
  • Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Xavier Work-Study Program

e世博esball大学的勤工俭学计划旨在帮助我们的学生获得就业技能,通过获得技能和宝贵的经验来提高他们的简历. 学生们可以赚取资金来帮助他们支付上大学的间接成本,同时根据他们的课程安排工作. Students cannot work more than 20 hours a week and earn a minimum of $14.00 an hour on campus and $17.00 an hour off-campus (community service).
Job assignments are assigned by the Work-Study Coordinator.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Apply for Financial Aid by completing the FAFSA There is an option stating if you would like to be considered for work-study. Indicate “yes” 如果你符合资格要求并且资金充足,你会收到录取通知.
  2. Accept your financial aid offer on Banner.
  3. 一旦被录取,你将被通知参加勤工俭学培训. 你将学习如何成为一名成功的勤工俭学学生, complete required I-9, L-4, and W-4 forms, complete Banner Web Time Entry training, and sign your work-study contract. Orientation dates will be provided in advance. 所有学生(新生和返校学生)在开始在指定地点工作之前都必须参加培训.

Note: Because of limited funding, you need to apply early. 如果学生对联邦勤工俭学计划感兴趣,但尚未被录取, you may complete an FWS or FWSCS request form. 学校周围和网上的传单会显示表格何时可用.


FWS offers are as scheduled:

  • Up to $ 2,000.00 annually for freshman students
  • Up to $ 4,000.高年级学生(二年级,三年级和四年级学生)每年00美元
  • Up to $ 4,000.00 annually for Graduate students  

FWS On-Campus 就业学生有机会在校园的不同部门工作. For example:

  • Financial Aid Office (File clerks & Call center)
  • Intramural Sports (Fitness Center)
  • Human Resources (File clerks)
  • Pharmacy Department  

FWSCS (Community Service) Off-Campus 就业专业的学生有机会在社区工作. We have partnered with the schools (elementary-high school), and non-profit organizations in Orleans Parish. For example:

  • CLASS Act: (After school program)
  • Mary Bethune Charter School
  • St. Rita Catholic Schools 

Note: Students offered FWSCS must pass a drug and background screening.



XULA Supervisors & Student Workers

Documents and Forms 


路易斯安那州e世博esball大学联邦学生就业年度 download to view 

这本手册提供了最常见问题的答案. For additional information, 请联系位于e世博esball大学南校区的学生经济援助和奖学金办公室.


Supervisory Manual Student Manual Student Manual
Departmental Request Forms FWS Request Forms FWSCS Request Forms
Supervisor Rules/Regulations FWS Rules/Regulations FWSCS Rules/Regulations
Supervisor Tracker Student Tracker Student Tracker
Approval Payroll Schedule Submission Payroll Schedule Submission Payroll Schedule/Pickup
Manual Timesheets FWSCS Manual
Performance Evaluation


A student can earn up to the amount of their financial aid work-study offer. 监督和跟踪所有收入是学生和导师的责任. 

  • Please follow our Financial Aid Twitter account as FWS reminders, news, and updates will be posted. 
  • 请花时间完成我们的“我们正在倾听”勤工俭学调查


Frequently Asked Questions

大学勤工俭学提供给在XULA优先截止日期前完成FAFSA的合格学生 March 13th . First come, first serve basis


No, work-study students are not eligible for paid vacation, sick leave, holidays, 或者通过勤工俭学获得医疗和牙科保险.

学生可以根据联邦学生援助申请联邦勤工俭学: 美国公民,合格的非公民,美国国民或美国永久居民

Student's eligibility includes a review of financial need, 学生可获得的其他经济援助金额, and available funds. 如果有任何关于经济援助资格的问题,学生应该联系经济援助办公室.

No. 路易斯安那州e世博esball大学的学生只能从事一份工作. 学生在考虑换工作时,必须通知部门主管和勤工俭学协调员.

A student's main objective is to pursue an education. 学生也可以与导师一起审查他/她的工作时间表,以做出适当的调整. However, 学生可以自行决定拒绝任何部分的勤工俭学. When adjusting the Work-Study offer, 学生必须联系联邦勤工俭学协调员在财政援助办公室完成必要的文书工作.


允许学生的最大学时数是每周20小时. 根据每个部门的工作时间和学生的可用性,工作时间可以从清晨到深夜和周末有所不同.

Students are paid Bi-weekly 

Note: Pay schedules are sent via email each semester.

Yes, students less than half time are eligible for FWS. 唯一的例外是参加教师资格认证项目的学生,在这些项目中,国家(而不是学校)颁发证书,必须至少有一半的时间注册才能获得FWS.